Monday, December 29, 2008

Arts and Solar

Putting Art to Work: First Solar Powered Glass Art Installation Lights Up Library : TreeHugger
Highlights the arts and functionality case to go beyond just the passive sustainable creation ethics but to make it s function sustainable and practically useful as well.Interesting question raised here though.Should art be functionally sustainable or is it free to be created with any ethic in mind and in any way regardless of whether it has use values?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Green Gadget challenge - PC Authority

Green Gadget challenge - PC Authority
This is a good article in that it shows both the limitations and advantages of using sustainable green power for all our office and mobile electronic technologies.It shows that design and practicality limits need to be considered with average and affordable costs.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, December 19, 2008

Freeplay Foundation Brings Light to Rwanda : TreeHugger

Freeplay Foundation Brings Light to Rwanda : TreeHugger
The off shot for the whole freeplay,wind up revolution area.Quietly and almost surreptiously these types of technologies have bee changing the lives of many n third world countries let alone their western world consumerist cant beat it!.ciao
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

the Reach of Creative Commons and The Jamendo music sharing site...Cultural Impacts in India

Jamendo Blog » Blog Archive » Making India go industrial
sharing the music this artist likes and inspires him in a country where industrial music is only strting to be known.Good article from the blog showing some of the role of the Jamendo community sites and how they are being used.Good stuff.Cross Cultural exchange and creativity,community.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Women condemn Rudds non action-Australian Women Online

Environmental community unites to condemn Rudd’s low greenhouse target | Australian Women Online
The contradictions are pointed out forcefully by over 60 green groups across Australia.

Green Jobs from GreenPages....add this to your list of resiources on sustainable jobs hunting

Arts and funding

Arts funding and support are a complex matter in many ways...especially when one looks at the basic drive for many artists in that they just want or need to make art.Art and creativity some times become used interchangeably and so can also confuse our argument.In summary this is what I think.

Creativity and perhaps artmaking in the broadest sense is a right and indeed I believe an essential to become psychologially fully human persons.The development, expression of such can be limited and or sociallised out of us to greater and lesser degrees (at our own risk as individuals,families and societies) ....without a long theses it could be said that it is an essential and integral part of being human to be creators or co creators in the world we live in.Professional artists go one step further in that they have chosen to make more explicit and heighten there potentiality and try to make a more fulltime, less compromised occupation of this.Most artists fund themselves by many jobseeking ventures including their own work,free service and types of exchanges,sponsorships etc.They do this to make ends meet and feed their addiction.Their product is a contribution to both the social,community and societal culture which we all contribute towards in as beneficial way as we can.Additional funding comes in many forms such as art markets,"one per cents' for the arts in architectural projects of over $1million and speculation/auctioning of art works,creative commons rights that can earn money as well as copyrights.Artists also are a very large and broad church so to speak from the writer,website designer,sculptor/installations creator,digital artists,musicians etc.They contribute broadly to the Australian infrastructure of culture and real dollar and lifestyle terms as much as BHP Billiton(BHP Billiton which sponsors many arts projects themselves through various organisations that are both Government and private eg.ABAF,CANWA etc).Funding the arts through government and other partnerhips is no different to the existing stakeholder partnerships that exist bewtween welfare,church welfare,government instrumentalities, councils,independent community groups and other NGOs,corporations and philanthropic organisations including for profits such as big record labels or small record labels such as Jarrah records etc.Many co contributed funding sources and work both voluntary and paid.We benefit from this type of system of culture development in many and diverse ways that doesnt always see direct compensation to the artist or creator.As a value and since we contribute to the running of this great country of ours through our goverment instrumentalies...I would like to see the system support the values of the artist broadly and with many partners...and in essence promoted in the same way we promote the defence forces as a key value...essential to the socio cultural and psychological health of our society.To see artists as spongeing is to call other big corporations ' spongers ' too...I wont name them all.such as Telstra etc.

I am happy for my dollars that are taxed to support the arts in all its forms both by way of commercial and various other initiatives.No man is an island...nor do any of us fund ourselves completely with no help from others.

Michaelangelo was both corporate funded,self funded,patron and church funded employee who worked on many types of employee contracts...sure he had some good employers and bad (the popes at times were a bit cranky...but the Medicis weren't too bad...sort of like the Transfields  and Holmes A Courts of their days
).Anyway enough said what do you think?Ciao and regards Warren xx ;) :)Much more can be said of course....!

Monday, December 08, 2008

Reduce Emissions say Poznan International Business participants in Financil review.

Global business leaders call for tougher emissions targets - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

It is interesting that the main Australian contingent speaking out are banks such as NAB and accounting/audit sectors-Price Waterhouse and Coopers, transport specialists such as Linfox and Lendlease(construction) and what is reported some of the major mining companies are missing.

Creative Chaos

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The brilliance of creative chaos
This seems to ring true to me somehow.Clive James has definitely captured something of the contradictions in ones life when trying to organise oneself I think.

Monday, November 10, 2008


‘Mycodiesel’ From Patagonian Tree Fungus Could Be Used Directly in Diesel Engines : TreeHugger
Well after doing all this work in the BP refinery it is refreshing to believe and see that the natural way of producing diesel may be near to hand....what an amazing discovery!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

CSIRO And Sustainability


A CSIRO Australia resource page on sustainability issues .

Monday, October 13, 2008

sustainable industrial estates

Green-shoe brigade - The National Interest - 10 October 2008
Bruce Michell Gold Coast property developer with a vision has sold up his own residential estate to fund an industrial estate that is sustainable and to the largest extent carbon interesting and inspiring vision

Saturday, September 20, 2008

End of the internet as we know it?

A brief summary of some of the actions to turn the internet into priveledged private user network...a closed network...accessible only to those selected whether it be because of financial or other priveledges such as preferred customer/client websites and or content.An extreme form of censorship is linked to such argument and control.It is linked into the whole free press and network ownership and neautrality argument
...whats next?

Friday, September 05, 2008

Sustainbility and Akzo

Akzo Nobel: 18% Of Revenue From Sustainable Products · Environmental Leader · Green Business, Sustainable Business, and Green Strategy News for Corporate Sustainability Executives

It is good to see that some of the larger corporates and ones that have influence on the transport,corrosion and oil industry are attempting to send a cleaner and more sustainable/greener message.Hopefully it is alll not just profile driven but a real committment.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Making Links Conference FYI

Making Links

This conference claims to link social justice/action with technology coverage which aims to be more inclusive of disadvantaged communities.It will focus on more socially equitable uses of mobile and internet technologies.At this stage they are looking for speaker proposals.There are a broad range of organiser groups from across Australia literally.See this link

Interesting cultural exchange site FYI

Monday, June 16, 2008

Warm up,smarten up ,don't spend up.

ACF - Beat the winter blues by keeping warm
A short reminder on energy efficiency,house insulation and spending and using your energy dollars wisely.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Video - Water powered car unveiled - WA Today

Video - Water powered car unveiled - WA Today

Green labelling...issue or non issue...that is 'the' question?

Bits and Pieces

B Society not class B

B-Society | An Alternative to the nine-to-five society
Very good site illustrating the philosophy of the B society and its vision to change the world from a mechanical,inflexible world view and lifestyle in workplace and in general expectancy of work /life balance regimes.Live on the late risers.Also refer to ABC Australia interview 2007 with Camilla Kring
Founder and chairperson B-Society.

1. Life Matters 6 September 2007 - B-Society

Summary: Do you hate your alarm clock, struggle to get up in the morning and be at the office by 9? Are you much happier if you can take it easy in the morning and roll into work at, say, 10 or 11? If so, chances are you're a > rn > lifematters > stories > 2007 > 2024123.htm
6k - [ html ] - Highlighted - 6 Sep 2007 - Similar pages with

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Australian manufactured Hybrid cars?

Have we suddenly caught up with the rest of the world with this announcement...does it signify an acknowledgement that we must look at our global/Australian car emissions or is it something else that is happening ....It sounds at least partially helpful and hopeful.Is it more than just business and politics?

Hybrid grant a '$35m Rudd photo op' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Monday, June 09, 2008

B Society not class B

B-Society | An Alternative to the nine-to-five society
Very good site illustrating the philosophy of the B society and its vision to change the world from a mechanical,inflexible world view and lifestyle in workplace and in general expectancy of work /life balance regimes.Live on the late risers.Also refer to ABC Australia interview 2007 with Camilla Kring
Founder and chairperson B-Society.

1. Life Matters 6 September 2007 - B-Society

Summary: Do you hate your alarm clock, struggle to get up in the morning and be at the office by 9? Are you much happier if you can take it easy in the morning and roll into work at, say, 10 or 11? If so, chances are you're a > rn > lifematters > stories > 2007 > 2024123.htm
6k - [ html ] - Highlighted - 6 Sep 2007 - Similar pages with

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Have we overlooked that like art climate change could evolve in a non linear way?!

Are We Moving into Another Era of 'Abrupt' Climate Change? : TreeHugger

Its a scary, but nonetheless none too surprising expression of opinion that we could be experiencing global warming and climate change right now with impacts that are uneven and evolve both subtle ,dynamic...but also quite dramatically.Modelling apparently shows us that it could not be random non humanly affected events...or so is said ...regardless any scare that motivates and informs us further is good in my opinion in moving us in positive directions and along a more sustainable, though scarier and less certain path.

Rainforest Portal FYI

Toilet Hydro electrics?

Leviathan Powers Your Home With Every Flush : TreeHugger
Interesting ideas from Israel.

BRA - Hydroelectric Power from Grey Water

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sustainable gardening?

Sustainable Gardening Australia : TreeHugger

Good to see this are being looked at closer...What about its tie in to permaculture and appropriate technology?

Cuban tribute to Australian permaculturists

Dryland Permaculture Strategies - Part 1

Green Architecture...little Boxes?

Architects' Home and Office is Less Than Eight Feet Wide : TreeHugger
I love this idea... enjoy.

London EcoBuild 2008: Energy Efficient Housing

Container House 2006

Green Car Practices?

How To Green Your Car : TreeHugger
Though containing a lot of US content the gist of the tips is there.Some good links as well.

Awesome solar cars!

Eco Browser?

Flock Browser: Eco-Edition | Green Content Delivered Daily

Just trying this browser out...not too sure about using the eco label...itdoes provide or at least has green content pre loaded...but one could think as I am yet to discover that the software somehow is produced or producing some sustainable out come?Is it?Is it enough to promote green content or should there be something more in praxis?and production?Some drawbacks for me is that it does not use the foxmarks idea of archiving remotely all bookmarks for a user to share remotely from any computer as inefficiency perhaps...How do you truely create a sustainable browser?

Getting Started with the Flock Browser

Sustainable coffee cups....?

Make That Coffee Cup Porcelain, Not Paper : TreeHugger
porcelain version of standard cup photo

Sometimes the ovious astounds me...but are'nt we all culprits to the quick and easy solution of the paper disposable coffee cup...even hough it is a potentially toxic and unhealthy material by and large to contain a well brewed coffee in.How does that sit with all that effort to buy free trade and organic...?Something can be done

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Socialism and Sustainability

Is sustainability making headway in a real sense as a concept or part of a misguided approach attempting to create a meaning and clear praxis out of an unclear and poilitically obtuse concept.Does the concept of sustainability and practice as a system of development need re thinking and precision?

Cracks in the core of sustainability

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Victorian aquifers run dry.

Never-ending stream threatens to run dry - National -
Never-ending stream threatens to run dry

Carmel Egan
April 13, 2008
Page 1 of 2 |

WATER from Victoria's once seemingly limitless underground reservoirs is being sucked up by thirsty towns, farms and irrigators faster than it can be replaced.

Just weeks after the State Government signed the $10 billion federal agreement to save the Murray River, groundwater has emerged as the new frontier in the water wars.

Farmers, irrigators and some hydrogeologists accuse the Government of having had an out-of-sight, out-of-mind attitude to groundwater, treating it as the poor cousin of rivers and reservoirs.

Years of neglect and mismanagement, they say, have resulted in too many pumping licences being granted on depleted aquifers while others have been slapped with pumping bans for scant scientific reasons.

At the same time, some of the state's aquifers are reaching perilously low levels as more drought-stricken producers and irrigators hunt for alternative water sources.

Despite repeated requests, the State Government and Department of Sustainability and Environment last week failed to respond to The Sunday Age's questions about the health and monitoring of Victoria's underground water reserves.

Yet most critics acknowledge that although the Government came late to groundwater issues, its water saving strategies are moving in the right direction.

Regional water authorities are now rolling out water management plans that include compulsory metering of all new bore licences, metering of all rights over 20 megalitres and protection of aquifers identified as at risk.

However, implementation of the new plans has caused headaches for Southern Rural Water, which is responsible for all groundwater licences from Gippsland to Warrnambool.

SRW has found itself before the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal at least 17 times in 20 months.

In legal action almost unheard of five years ago, the authority has been challenged for refusing to grant licences, for granting too many licences and for giving individual irrigators too much access to already depleted reserves.

The authority has itself recommended prosecutions for breaches of the Water Act, including 24 market gardeners this financial year for illegal pumping from the Werribee aquifer.

By contrast, Goulburn Murray Water, which licenses bores across the state's northern districts, has had only one tribunal matter over the same period.

Meanwhile, Victoria's bores are being driven deeper in desperate and costly measures to reach fast-retreating aquifers.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Consumers Ready To Kiss Convenience Packaging Goodbye · Environmental Leader · Green Business and Corporate Sustainability News

<cite>Consumers Ready To Kiss Convenience Packaging Goodbye · Environmental Leader · Green Business and Corporate Sustainability News</cite>: "
This is a surprising bit of research in that it indicates that most or at least half of consumers are not concerned about having convenience packaging and in NZ they are topping the table with a more eco conscious approach with most NZlanders willing to give up all aspects of packaging for the environment.

Perhaps not considered is the re useability and ability to turn some types of packaging into other storage and or recycling benefits to some industry who rely on such materials waste.Biodegradeable packaging is perhaps not highlighted as well.Still it highlights through research the attitudes of some consumers willing to change

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Comments on New Directions...Sustainability Practitioners Assoc.

Just a few links and comments on the new directions being set by SPA.The discussion takes place in the SPA public forum.
mprove SPA: Global,act local,focus and promote
Bottom of Page

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* CommentAuthorDunedata
* CommentTime3 days ago
edit Report Post

It seems as though SPA or what may end up being formerly called SPA is losing focus and relevance ...or appears to be with little real presence and profile in the wider community and in the area of advocacy at the moment.Why is this ?not enough active participation by a broader section of its membership...publicising in the right places.Having a concept and project of both cultural and global change practice in organisations and community etc.Its not that these practitioners and projects are not being carried out by membership...its that they are not published ,promoted and supported and or captured in some way that plugs SPA into such action and that SPA as an entity is seen as facilitating and servicing in some way this 'approach with and on behalf of such workers/project leaders etc.Where is our cutting edge interaction and clearly lead focus....What about our interface and advocacy for our membership/workers in sustainability??....whats happening in this area?Too much of a ghetto/elitist mentality ...not for the masses and in additon it needs to firmly step into the real marketplace of commerce and non government sustainability activity(as wellas its government and some community focus)Publishable and publicity?Both is lacking...what searching out and finding out what is happening in both the academic and operational sustainability field is going on...we must encourage the sharing of both story and case study whilst also promoting a more globally focussed project with local links and example....

PS remember this organisation...Implications and relationship with? we have one with?..

PSS other examples of organisations and approaches that I admire with well thought out strategy...including a sophisticated web strategy where other styles of membership and knowledge sharing,interaction and action are created...
Here are a couple of my favourites...of which some I am a member of and some not...but monitor via newsletter or 2,3.etc...

blogs and magazines;

Each of these allows for various levels of engagement and interest....maybe there is something to be learnt here..i.e branding as well as in focus in project and networks,services etc...?

What does anyone think?
* CommentAuthorbkent
* CommentTime1 day ago
Report Post

I think you've hit the nail on the head here. I looks as if the shake up the Committee is talking about will cover anything/everything any member throws out there.

I think you raise some very valid points that will surely be address by the Committee and membership as a whole.

Thanks for the links, they're proving to be rather handy!
* CommentAuthorDunedata
* CommentTime1 second ago
edit Report Post

No probs .Meant to be constructive crit. ...glad links are useful.Ciao again !

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Thursday, January 31, 2008

protectyourprofits.mpg (video/mpeg Object)

<cite>protectyourprofits.mpg (video/mpeg Object)</cite>: "

This gives a very well rounded and easily accessible understanding and explanation of what sustainability is in cleaner production terms and commercial terms.

it is interesting that the link is made with waste and how even general housekeeping activities can contribute to a less wasteful production process as wellas a safer one.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Green Blogs and links

Design Related

Apartment Therapy
Changing the world, one apartment at a time.
Architecture for Humanity
Architecture for Humanity is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization founded in 1999 to promote architectural and design solutions to global, social and humanitarian crises.
Cool Hunting
Cool Hunting is a daily update on ideas and products in the intersection of art, design, culture and technology, and features weekly videos that get an inside look at the people who create them.
Design Addict
your resource for modern, post-modern and contemporary design of the 20th-21st centuries where you'll find information on designers and producers, on furniture, lighting, dinnerware and accessories.
design*sponge is a daily website dedicated to home and product design run by Brooklyn-based writer, Grace Bonney.
Domino's Greenlist
The guide to living with style.
Funky furniture and design.
Future Feeder
Journal of Architecture and Computation Culture
A daily website where you'll find news and information about green building and green furnishings for the home and office.
House & Garden
Green design for the well-lived life.
ID Fuel
The fire to create.
ID Magazine
I.D. Magazine is America's leading critical magazine covering the art, business and culture of design.
Future-forward design for the world you inhabit - your daily source for innovations in sustainable architecture and green design for the home.
Land+Living is dedicated to modern lifestyle and design. We believe the connection people have with the environment in which they live, both indoors and out, is of utmost importance and that good design affects the quality of life both through function and aesthetic pleasure.
MOLI - Fashion & Design
The latest hot fashion & design news, from MacBooks to prefab housing.
MetaEfficient reviews techniques and products based on their effectiveness. We are a group of specialists in the disciplines of efficiency. Some of our expertise is in architecture, energy production, water purification, heating, lighting, growing, transportation and optimal clothing materials.
MoCo Loco is a web magazine featuring modern contemporary design news and views.
Product Dose
We aim to provide all the information a user will need to make an intelligent purchasing decision. productdose covers the style, design, and technology trends that interest our readers, and the magazine offers in-depth reviews of consumer products that will ensure our readers get what they pay for.
Online design magazine featuring articles, news, and designer profiles.
Sensory Impact
Sensory Impact is a web magazine about the culture of objects for both design enthusiasts and designers that offers a smart mix of news, views and reviews served fresh daily in bite sized morsels.
TED is an event like no other. It brings together more than 1000 thought-leaders, movers, and shakers. They hear not just the latest ideas in Technology, Entertainment, and Design, but also Business, Science, and The Arts... in fact ANY subject area offering something fresh and important.
The Pop!Tech Blog
Ideas, people, and technologies shaping the future.
We Make Money Not Art
The intersection between art, design and technology.
Enviro Related

Architype Review
Architype Review seeks to advance the discussion of design within specific building typologies and explore the influence that type has on the design process. Architype's primary goal is to honor those projects that are challenging the limits and redefining the norms of a certain building type. In addition, Architype promotes sustainable design and provides support to competitions and student travel abroad opportunities.
3r Blogging
3R Living sells the worlds highest quality eco-friendly, organic products and gifts. Visit our online retail store at or in person at 276L 5th Ave. in Brooklyn, New York. The posts on this site are writen by the owners of 3r Living and their staff and focus on the economic, social and political issues that effect our environment.
The Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group promotes the use of appropriate technologies in developing countries through a combination of business incubation, education, training and outreach.
About My Planet
The name says it all...
Accidental Environmentalist Jolly Green Girl Confidential
Eco-friendly ideas for a green living : Embrace Eco-friendly products : respect the Earth : Live Organically
Adventures in Conservation
Blog for the environmental education organization Rare, featuring reports from staff around the world about conservation campaigns.
Official blog of, the most technically advanced and eco-sensitive brand on the market for accomplished climbers, mountaineers, extreme skiers, surfers and explorers.
Alternative Energy Blog
news, views and strong opinions on alternative energy resources including wind power, solar energy, wave energy, geothermal & other alternate energy sources
An Inconvenient Truth
Official blog of An Inconvenient Truth
Another Green World
LA Weekly blog of environmental writer Judith Lewis.
Ask Pablo
Pablo Päster is an Sustainability Engineering Consultant with Euroconsult. He answers readers' questions with regards to such technical issues as energy consumption, efficiency, life cycle analysis, and environmental footprints of business
BIOconversion Blog
BioConversion, n., The conversion of biomass feedstock - such as agricultural, forestry, or urban waste - into renewable energy and/or other usable products via environmentally clean technologies. This Blog is home to news and comments about emerging BioEnergy technologies as the fossil fuel energy paradigm shifts to renewable energy. Direct links to information sites and breaking stories are provided from major publications, blogs, and associations.
BTC Elements Blog
Being the Change -- adventures in responsible consumerism.
Barking Crickets
Since small objects can leave a long impact trail in their wake, this overblown links-list is devoted to sustainable product design: the eco-architecture of small things.
Biodiesel and Ethanol Investing
Biodiesel stocks, ethanol stocks, biodiesel and ethanol plants, trends, and industry news.
Black Bear Speaks
Great Lakes Environmental News, Progressive Satire, Good Books, Inflamatory Rhetoric
Daily news and reports about the Bush administration's actions and policies on environment and public health issues for journalists and activists.
Welcome to the world's first online community for households and businesses to get paid for reducing the carbon emissions from their everyday energy usage. It pays to save the world!
Choose2BGreen - Green Mountain Power
Thoughts on Renewable Energy, Climate Change, Peak Oil, Energy Policy, and more...
We are dedicated to exploring how to live a greener and more ethical life.
Clean Edge - The Clean-Tech Market Authority
Clean Edge helps investors and innovators understand and profit from clean technology via its consulting services, market research, publications, and conferences. Track the latest developments in clean-energy, transportation, water, and materials.
Cleantech Investing
A news and commentary blog for those interested in venture capital in clean technologies.
Cleantech blog, the premier site for commentary on clean technologies, news, and issues relating to next generation energy and the environment.
Climate Change Action
Campaigning Against Climate Change.
Club of Pioneers
The Club of Pioneers is a community that cares for the big environmental topics of our time: climate change, pollution. We are looking for indivduals and organisations interested in shaping the future in alternative and clean energy solutions with new ideas.
Cut Oil Imports
This blog is focused on boosting America's national security by reducing foreign oil imports. We promote US-based alternative energy (i.e. solar energy, wind power and ethanol).
Cycle Santa Monica!
Views from the Bicycle Saddle:Empowering Cyclists, Skaters, and Pedestrians - In Santa Monica and the Westside Using Environmentally Friendly Vehicles - Using Earth Friendly Renewable Fuels.
Daily Green, the Blog of
Welcome to the blog for, an e-commerce site providing alternative products aimed at encouraging a sustainable, healthy, ecologically robust planet. We believe that unless drastic steps are taken immediately and forthwith, the planet has no hope of surviving. But we also believe that humans are capable of great, positive change when faced with unmistakable crisis.
Clearing the PR Pollution that Clouds Climate Science.
NICHE is a modern design firm focused on creating beautiful contemporary interiors and furniture with an emphasis on sustainability.
Dropping Knowledge
Ask, answer, and discuss questions, download media, and use the searchable database to find social topics that matter most to you.
I would like to explore everything green as it relates to real estate. How green innovation influences our behavior? Well-being? Community? Business decisions? Balance Sheet? P&L? Public perception? Real estate investments? Overall growth? Initial investment? Operating Budget?
Earth Blog
Brief environmental commentary, analysis and links by Dr. Glen Barry.
Earth Friendly Gardening
Sustainable Gardening for a Healthy Planet
Earth Meanders
Insightful original Earth essays placing environmental sustainability within the context of other contemporary issues including peace and freedom. Thought-provoking, raw and frequently outrageous - but always Bright Green. These are the personal writings of Dr. Glen Barry.
Eco Investment Club
Where Green Dollars Fund the Green Movement
Because Mother Nature is a Woman.
Eco.PSFK is a lens of changes in cultural behavior that influence all of us. In a world with unparalleled access to endless content, it's hard to know where to begin your search for insightful information. Beyond the algorithm of the search engine, the human touch makes a difference.
EcoGeek - Bridging the Gap between Technology and Nature. Technology can be a force for evil, or for awesome. Those who shun the tech are just as guilty as those who ignore the environment. There's a safe balance, where the awesome can help nature as much as it helps us have a good time and live easier lives. EcoGeek devotes its pages to exploring the symbiosis between nature and technology. If you're interested in that, then stop by, and stop by often.
Realistic, Responsible Living.
There are many things each and everyone of us can do on a daily basis, that don't cost anything, even saves us money and does not require much effort and if we multiply those little steps each day and, many of us do so, it does make a big impact.
Anna Shepard writes the Eco-Worrier column in the Body & Soul, a magazine of The Times (UK) newspaper.
Lead a �Green Life� with this guide to the latest information and reviews on eco-friendly products, alternative energy, solar, wind, wave, bio-fuels, gadgets, biodegradable products, hybrid vehicles, and more...
Ireland's newest online store for recycling, waste management and renewable sustainable products.
Ecotality Blog
Informing and challenging the world about energy solutions.
Endogenous preferences
Interdisciplinary approaches to environmental policy - Tools for teaching economics.
Enviroblog is a project of Environmental Working Group, covering public health, environmental policy, and better consumer choices.
Environment Blog
For the environmentalist in you.
Environmental Action
Blog of activist organization Environmental Action.
Environmental Economics
Economists on Environmental and Natural Resources: News, Opinion, and Analysis
Environmental and Urban Economics
Green Economics
Fake Plastic Fish
Frankly CSR
Freedom Blog
Sustainability insights from two US Army officers.
Getcha Grub On
Blog of the book Grub: Ideas for an Urban Organic Kitchen
Gil Friend
Strategic Sustainability, and other worthy themes of our time -- from the the founder, president and CEO of Natural Logic
Global Warming Watch
Pull up a ringside seat and witness the catastrophe of the epoch.
Great Green Goods
A shopping site for the earth friendly consumer.
Green Car Congress
Energy, Technologies, Issues and Policies for Sustainable Mobility.
Green Fertility is concerned with fertility of self and earth.
Green Home Building and Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable architecture is an exciting and important field, with many people reviving traditional methods of building and others creating innovations to established practices. Kelly Hart, webmaster of the popular website, posts text and photos featuring what he discovers from around the world.
Green Is The New
The War on Terrorism has come home. Corporations and politicians are labeling activists "eco-terrorists" and national security threats. Think red-baiting, with a green twist. Here you'll find original reporting and analysis of the Green Scare, and history repeating itself.
Green RFID Guy
Sustainability through Radio Frequency
Green Trust Sustainability
Come here to discuss and learn about Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Hydro, & Biofuels), Permaculture, Conservation, Recycling, Organic Gardening, Rain Water Harvesting and Grey Water Recovery, and other methods of living cleanly, efficiently, and leaving lighter footprints on our earth. We give seminars and classes on renewable topics.
Green as a Thistle
Making one change every day to greenify my life (and hopefully not being too smug about it).
Green-Links is a community driven online resource for all things 'green' in New York City. From environmental events and jobs to articles, profiles, and more—Green-Links is the place to find out what's green and happening in the Big Apple. is a United Nations Environment Programme supported IPTV channel for environmental films.
A comprehensive free information resource for large and small companies seeking to align environmental business practices with business success. Includes environmental business news, job listings, career advice, tools, reports, mentor programs, awards, government resources, backgrounders, expert advice, and more.
GreenBlue is a nonprofit institute that stimulates the creative redesign of industry by focusing the expertise of professional communities to create practical solutions, resources, and opportunities for implementing sustainability.
Using the Law to Promote Renewable Energy, Environmental Business and Sustainability.
Every month people who work in the environmental field meet up for a beer at informal sessions known as Green Drinks.
Green Map System is a global eco-cultural movement, energized by local knowledge, action and responsibility. Green Maps are locally created maps that chart the natural and cultural environment. - Environmentally Friendly and Green Shopping Community
World's Largest Environmentally Friendly Super Store and Online Community for Green Shoppers
Welcome to the New Greenthinkers!
Greener Magazine
The green solutions magazine for American homes, gardens and families
Continuous news and commentary on matters earth-related.
Groovy Green
Giving you the groove on green sustainable living in Ithaca, NY and beyond.
Groovy Mind
Organic, Fair Trade, Eco-Friendly Goods.
Groxie is a blog about living a simpler, greener life. It's about making, not buying; it's about information, not marketing; it's about getting more out of less. This is DIY environmentalism.
Sustainable, renewable, recycled, repurposed, organic & childrens products--with an extra emphasis on creative D.I.Y. projects and art.
Ethical Consumerism in the UK.
How to Save the World
Dave Pollard's environmental philosophy, creative works, business papers and essays.
How to Save the World for Free
Green musings from Great Britain.
Hugg is a new project by TreeHugger - asource for user-generated green news.
Everything about Hybrids from the Experts at the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Hypoallergenic House - The Prospects for Air Quality Design
Ideal Bite
Irreverent thoughts on being green.
Relevant energy issues for a sustained energy future.
Future-forward design for the world you inhabit - your daily source for innovations in sustainable architecture and green design for the home.
Inkling Magazine
Inkling is an often updated magazine on the web dedicated to science as we see it. Founded in late 2006, we cover the science that pervades our life, makes us laugh, and helps us choose our breakfast foods.
Inspired Protagonist
In an age when despairing doom and global gloom rule the wires and extinguish those inspired fires that could ignite the needed change, the Inspired Protagonist seeks to cut the cords of negativity that bind us and replace them with hopeful strands of thought and deed that weave new worlds of possibility.
It's the Environment, Stupid.
The world needs to wake up and realize that the environment is just as important as the economy, and the health of both are crucial to social-well being. This blog explores these connections.
It's the Planet, Stupid!
We humans needs to wake up and realise that we're plundering our home planet to destruction. What a legacy to leave our children!
It's Getting Hot In Here
Dispatches from the Global Youth Climate Movement
Ivan Enviroman
Sustainability, Business, Technology, and Spirit
Jen's Green Journal
Activism, Politics, Green Living
Jetson Green
Green building and architecture from Austin, TX.
Joel Makower
Sustainable Business. Clean Technology. Green Marketplace.
LA Green Living
Your online resource for healthy, conscious and sustainable resources in the Los Angeles area.
Lazy Environmentalist
Josh Dorfman introduces listeners to cutting-edge environmental trends and innovation in fashion, design, architecture, interiors, travel, transportation, and more.
Life Begins at 30
A weblog focusing on the importance of locally and sustainably grown food.
The latest news and how-to videos on renewable resources, recyclable products and recycling, alternative energy, eco-friendly and carbon-neutral living, climate change and global warming, greenhouse gasses, nature and wildlife conservation, sustainable goods, ozone depletion, and ideas for keeping your home and wardrobe eco-smart.

Lü is a green fashion magazine in the making. It means green in Chinese. What China does in the next few years will decide the fate of the earth.
re: Facts on the inevitable world-wide energy transition
MOLI - Worthy Causes
Great features on worthy causes you should support.
Maria Energia
Highlighting companies of all shapes and sizes that are leading the world toward more efficient, reliable, and secure energy in the 21st century.
Marketing Green
Blog about Green Marketing.
The sustainability wing of Metropolis magazine.
Mitra - Natural Innovation
At the edges of Sustainability, Technology and Community. brings together the community of business leaders, social entrepreneurs, NGOs, policy makers, and academics who want to explore the connection between development and enterprise.
For more than a decade, O2 has pioneered solutions to the central problem of the made environment: how to foster sustainability while having a good quality of life.
Odograph - n. an instrument recording distance traveled, especially by a pedestrian
One Degree at
Throughout the world, people are confused about climate change and global warming. For this reason, The Weather Channel created One Degree.
Organic Researcher
A blog about the leading edge of social science research into organic food and farming. If you are even vaguely interested in sustainable food and farming then this is the blog for you. Follow the debate as it progresses, with links to the latest research it will educate and inform you about the food you eat.
Our Greener Life
Our Greener Life is dedicated to spreading knowledge of living in a more sustainable and earth-friendly manner, through one couple's experiences.
Our Tomorrow
Another world is possible.
Path to Freedom Journal
Pioneering a Journey through Self-Suffiency... One Step at a Time.
Peak Energy
Peak oil ruminations from Big Gav.
Peak Oil Premonitions
For those that believe mankind needs to re-evaluate and change the role one plays in our ecosystem of finite resources and our impact on future generations and their way of life.
Practical Environmentalist
Practical steps to improving the environment.
Rainwater Harvesting Guide
Rainwater harvesting, rainwater collection, recycling and reuse.
RealClimate � Climate Science
Climate science commentary by actual climate scientists.
Renewable Energy Generation
Searching for Sustainable Energy Sources. (Renewable Energy News from the Philippines.)
Resource Insights
Independent Comment on Environmental and Natural Resource News
Runaway Now
A travel-based website offering the best travel tips from opinion-leaders and trend-setters worldwide.
SRB Marketing | CONSCIOUS CLICKS - The Blog
Blog News & Tips for environmental, social, organic & green organizations
SRO News
From the frontlines: Tracking the latest news, updates, and projects of Summer Rayne Oakes.
Shea Gunther
Shea Gunther is a hybrid entrepreneur, environmentalist, and all around big-thinker. He founded Zoom Culture in 1999 at the age of 20, Renewable Choice in 2001, Skye Creative in 2005, and is launching in March of 2006.
Sierra Blogging Post
Sierra Club Compass
Explore, enjoy and protect the planet.
A laboratory for the advancement of slow design thinking and practice, envisioning environmental sustainability, social harmony, and individual well-being as processes and products of good design.
Small Failures
This blog sets out to prove that living sustainably and living well are not mutually exclusive. You'll find quick tips for going green, info on green businesses and hopefully a little bit of inspiration.
Solar Kismet
Strategies for Sustainability
Georges Dyer's running journal from the Masters in Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability program at the Blekinege Institute of Technology in Karlskrona, Sweden.
blogging sustainability with the latest science and best practices from a Hawaiian island perspective.
Sustainability Blog
Exploring sustainability from personal to global, using ecological footprint, green building, and transformative experience
Sustainable Steps
This blog was created to promote a sustainable lifestyle for all. We all have a shared responsibility to strive to reduce our impact on to this planet. This is my little piece of a very big pie. In order to make change, people need to be educated on why the change is needed. Through my entries I hope to sustain the discussion of sustainability and get others motivated to take action in their own lives.
Sustainable Style
look fabulous, live well, do good
Sustainable is Good
Sustainable is Good covers products, trends and developments in the green marketplace. Focusing on marketing, branding, PR and packaging & materials related to green products and services.
Sustainablog is dedicated to news, information and personal meanderings related to environmental and economic sustainability, green and sustainable business, and environmental politics.
The environment is now open. Plug in. Switchboard features NRDC's policy analysts, scientists and lawyers responding to the day's news and commenting on policies to combat global warming and address America's energy needs.
tempo is an unincorporated, not-for-profit, association of designers, other professionals, students and laypersons interested in how design can contribute to a sustainable future.
TerraBlog from TerraPass
TerraPass helps individuals easily and affordably balance the environmental impact of their driving, flying and home energy use by purchasing carbon offsets. Help fight climate change by reducing carbon dioxide air pollution. TerraPass is easy, effective, and affordable.
The Action Blog
Save endangered species. Stand up for human rights. Stop a forest from being clear-cut... all in a day's work.
The Compost Bin
Composters, Compost Bins and Compost Tumblers. Learn about Compost, Composting, Recycling and Reuse.
The Conscious Earth
Earth-centered news for the health of air, water and habitat, and the fight against global warming.
The Daily Score
The Sightline Institute's take on the news that really matters
The Eco Street Blog
raising green consciousness since 2005
The Energy Blog
The Energy Revolution has begun and will change your lifestyle!
The EnviroLink Network
The EnviroLink Network is a non-profit organization which has been providing access to thousands of online environmental resources since 1991.
The Evangelical Ecologist
The Evangelical Ecologist was started to meet the need for a conservative (sometimes libertarian) Christian voice in the environmental blogosphere today.
The Flaming Grasshopper
The Flaming Grasshopper is the new Chelsea Green company blog. The grasshopper has been our logo for the past 20 years, a symbol of potent life energy contained in a small "insignificant" exoskeletal package, capable of covering great distances in a single leap, and ancient symbol of good luck. Flaming grasshopper because we are a company "on fire" with a great mission to save the planet (among other things) and, perhaps like the dragons of old, to protect that which we hold precious from the onslaught of government/corporate/military forces currently on the march across the globe. We can guarantee you that this blog will be provocative, informative, funny, and interesting. We invite you to post and to become a part of our extended readership community. Just remember, one small book can change the world.
The Future is Green
Thoughts on the coming of a society that is in balance with nature and the magnitude of the problems in the way; facing the reality that the present world's population has moved beyond the earth's carrying capacity, the looming peak in world oil production, green alternatives, and the least painful paths to a sustainable society.
The Green Giraffe
A corporate guide to being & marketing green
The Green Room - LIME
More green celebrities... from
The Hip and Zen Pen
Celebrating the ethos and aesthetic of Hip & Zen, modern lifestyle products that nurture body and soul.
The Oil Drum
A Community Discussion about Peak Oil
The Scientific Activist
An Oxford graduate student by day and a scientific activist by night, Nick Anthis isn't letting his Ph.D. research in protein structure get in the way of defending scientific and social progress.
The Weekly Green Planet
Eco Celebrity news, gossip and commentary ~ "Spotlighting Celebrities Who Shine Their Light Back On Our Planet"
The Worsted Witch
Hex and the City: Knitting, lit crit, illustration, design, environmentalism, and fair trade.
Tod Brilliant: The Anti-Hilton
Tod Brilliant utilizes the connections and media focus of his fame, bending the spotlight to illuminate social and evironmental issues.
Today's News
ENN is an environmental media company that publishes and broadcasts news commentary, and information about how we live on earth. Additionally, ENN provides comprehensive environmental marketing and communication solutions for both business and non-profit organizations.
Total Tactics
Activism for all. News and tips to mobilise communities.
Updates about the TreeHuggerz website and general musings.
Triple Pundit
Serving people, planet and profit: An 'integrated bottom-line' approach to looking at business from the next generation of MBAs
Unplugged Living
Helping You to Freeload Off of Mother Nature.
Variety Presents Green Hollywood
Special feature on the greening of Hollywood by Variety.
Viridian Design Movement
Creating irresistible demand for a global atmosphere upgrade
Water, health, imagination and living the green life.
An online publication covering tools, models, and ideas for building a better future. Another world is here.
Z + Partners - Weblog
Pointers and commentary on emerging futures issues collected by Z + Partners
Zerofootprint's goal is to connect people who care about the environment for the purpose of reducing ecological footprint.
Dedicated to sustainable ideas, and progressive news items. Will link to anything that catches my interest.
be sustainable
Our Mission: To speed the rate of diffusion of sustainable thinking and to promote collaboration amongst groups and individuals and business towards sustainable action.
The Red, the Blue, and the Green
We provide reports and commentary on all aspects of green computing and sustainable technologies in IT.
Celebrities caught green-handed: Ecorazzi is dedicated to rounding up all the best 'green' news on celebrities and notables making waves in support of the environment and humanitarian causes.
gDiapers: the early years...
Official blog of gDiapers.
green LA girl
it's not easy being green: fair trade coffee, local politics and ethical consumerism in Los Angeles.
Green Design, Construction, and Real Estate in NYC and Beyond: I'm a former New York City construction professional now practicing construction and real estate law in Manhattan. I'm interested in both LEED and the green building movement from engineering, urban planning, and legal perspectives.
...every little bit counts! seeks to raise interest in and appreciation of wild lands and wildlife, while examining the impact of emerging trends in climate, technology, economics, and finance on conservation and development .
The latest information on the world of Architecture, Design and Sustainability brought to you by organicARCHITECT.
powering down
a discussion on peak oil with an emphasis on RELOCALIZATION as a reponse for north carolina and the greater southeast
sustainability theory dharma
understanding interconnectedness through the buddha and theory
sustainable style foundation
an international, member-supported nonprofit organization created to provide information, resources and innovative programs that promote sustainable living and sustainable design
A place to explore the connections between community and sustainability.
the greener side
the perks and quirks of sustainable tech
Daily Energy News and Discussion
A journal of sustainability for city dwellers.

American Apparel
American Apparel is a vertically integrated manufacturer and retailer of clothing for men, women, kids and dogs. Meaning, we've consolidated all stages of production under one roof at our downtown Los Angeles factory—from the cutting and sewing, right through to the photography and marketing.
Columbia University
Learn more about the Environmental MPA program. Visit, attend classes, and meet current students.
EnergyStar Light Fixtures from Lamps Plus
Save energy the smart way with ENERGY STAR certified lighting and lighting fixtures rated for energy conservation at LAMPS PLUS.
Our F-Products are unique and made from original, used truck tarpulins, car seat belts, bicycle inner tubes, and used airbags.
Pair WebHosting
World class web hosting.
Simple Shoes
The nice little shoe company getting in touch with its inner hippie.
What can solar do for you?
Vivavi offers modern style eco-friendly furniture & furnishings.
Wind Power
Deregulation in New York now enables consumers like you to help make a difference by choosing the type of power you purchase. Not only can you choose your own electricity supplier, but you can also help maintain a healthy environment for your children and the people of New York, by choosing GREEN Power or WIND Power.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sir Edmund Hillary -Life to be celebrated.

featured: Edmund Hillary, Hero

Edmund Hillary, Second Only to Dalai Lama as a Hero
by Warren McLaren, Sydney on 01.21.08
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Sir Edmund Hillary will have a New Zealand state funeral tomorrow. But he will be remembered not only for standing atop Mt Everest with Sherpa Tenzing Norgay in 1953, but also for his humanitarian efforts over the past fifty or so years.

In 1960 he created The Himalayan Trust to give back to the Sherpa people, who had helped him attain global recognition. The principles of the Himalayan Trust reflect the man, who TV NZ called ‘humble, hard-working and honest.’ The principles are that the Trust provide basic infrastructure needs that the Sherpas really want (education, health, forests, monastery repairs and response to natural disasters).

The principles also state that the Sherpas themselves to eagerly contribute time and effort to the projects- this "self help" confirming the importance and relevance of the work. The Trust to rely on voluntary workers and virtually eliminate overhead and that the donations to be transferred direct to the projects in Nepal; no money paid to middlemen or agents.

Apparently such donations have exceeded £500,000 ($ 980,000 USD), which may not seem like a lot of money, but for a poor mountain country and its people it has been made go a long way. Two hospitals, 13 health clinics, 30 schools built. 1 million trees planted. Monasteries built or rebuilt. National Parks created. Annual grants for 100 students to attend higher education. Literacy and educational programs for women. Teacher training and park ranger training. And the list goes on.

Is it any wonder that in a recent poll of Nepalese children Sir Edmund rated second behind the Dalai Lama as a hero. As one old Sherpa put it, “Because of him, we have access to schools and medicine. Without him, how could we have this? He climbed Everest, yes, but to us he did much more."

Imagine a world where the legacy of our passing was as rich as that of Sir Ed. As the captain of The Enterprise was heard to say, “Make it so.”

Robot Gliders Monitor Gulf Stream Health

UK Deploying Armada of Robot Submarines and Sensors to Monitor Gulf Stream
by Jeremy Elton Jacquot, Los Angeles on 01.21.08
Science & Technology
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Image courtesy of UNC

It's not often that you hear scientists cite the latest Hollywood fare as inspiration for their work. Yet Meric Srokosz of the Southampton Oceanographic Centre, explaining the purpose of the $31 million Rapid Watch system he is heading up, does just that, citing the plotline of "The Day After Tomorrow" - specifically the collapse of the Gulf Stream - as a potential occurrence that warrants further investigation. The Observer's Robin McKie lays out the relevant details:

"An armada of robot submarines and marine sensors are to be deployed across the Atlantic, from Florida to the Canary Islands, to provide early warning that the Gulf Stream might be failing, an event that would trigger cataclysmic freezing in Britain for decades."

Now while Srokosz doesn't actually believe that the Gulf Stream could collapse within the period of a few days - as suggested in the film - he doesn't put it beyond the pale that it could happen in "about 10 years." As McKie goes on to write, Rapid Watch will rely on underwater monitoring techniques to "check whether cold water pouring south from melting Arctic ice sheets is diverting the current's warm waters away from Britain."

The results of an initial study Srokosz and his colleagues carried out in 2004 suggested that the Gulf Stream "fluctuates in a highly unpredictable fashion." As such, he believes past measurements may not provide an ideal predictive indicator for what could happen in the near future; beginning later this year, Rapid Watch will monitor the Gulf Stream until 2014 with an armada of ocean-floor sensors - which will assess current flow, temperature and other variables - and robot gliders - which will monitor the current itself. This system shares many of the same features as the Hudson River environmental monitoring network we previously reported on.

The consequences of a freeze in the Gulf Stream could be drastic, as McKie outlines: "Without the Gulf Stream, the UK would be as cold as Canada in winter. Ports could freeze over and snowstorms and blizzards would paralyse the country."

Via ::Guardian Unlimited: Ocean floor sensors will warn of failing Gulf Stream (news website)

See also: ::Hudson River Environmental Monitoring Goes High-Tech, ::Gulf Stream's Tidal Energy Could Provide Up to a Third of Florida's Power

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Greenpages - Australian Sustainability Magazine

The Australian equivalent in some ways to the USA based Treehugger...though it does focus on a broad range of magazine based approaches and not just purely on Green consumerism.Its less blog of course and has learnt a lot from magazines like New Internationalist and the likes of Treehugger and Gristmill online but with a unique Aussie Focus.A lot of focus is on the web based stuff and one wonders why or what would give incentive to buy their offline quarterly...though one could be tempted of course.With so much service and content available at their site it tends to create a disincentive to get the magazine...Anyway reasonable hub with a Aussie focus.

New book on Sustainable Cities launched by Professor Peter Newman

This book By Professor Peter Newman was launched in Hollywood USA on the 18th of January 2008.It was titled "Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems"

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sustainability, I  must remind my self is a matter of being able to sustain a lifestyle in a dynamic balance that is always looking for the positive, healthy and creative option.It is about acting and taking time to think and appraise and reflect before acting so as to enable the best and not always the most efficient in terms of time, but maybe in terms of  impact can result.

It is not a concept to be 'technoligised' or be kidnapped by intellectuals and or scientists,business leaders or governement to justify projects...It is a concept that is available and needs promotion as a way of lifestyle choice and living that can be obtained and thought about in terms of thorough and just principle making for all people.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Recycle old PCS

Relevant to both sustainability and safety and health concerns is our continuuing hoarding and sub optimum use of recycleable and useable materials...PCs in this case.

The cited article is an important and scary reminder of how much resources we hoard and waste when pc materials are so recyclable and if not handled properly unsafe as well as polluting to our encvironment(let alone the waste of usability for people who need access to serviceable pc equipment).

some relevant links;,130061702,339282651,00.htm