Monday, April 05, 2010

Is the cyber threat overblown? | Stephen M. Walt

Is the cyber threat overblown? | Stephen M. Walt

I agree that we must differentiate from the real and potential threats that the term cyberwarfare engenders as well as what are the hierarchy of importance of such threats and there implications and solutions.Allowing governing and governments greater control of the internet is not necessarily the solution and in fact can be the promoter of further unnecessary and civil liberty limiting activity along with facilitating further the capaitalising and consumer carving up of the internet by selling various security solutions that are snake oil to some degree....importantly though it could be that it is distracting us also from more important issues that require our attention like climate change.

Is the cyber threat overblown? | Stephen M. Walt

Is the cyber threat overblown? | Stephen M. Walt
How serious are threats given the global crisis we are confronting in the f2f world or is there some sort of nexus we must come to understand that we are perhaps missing?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Developer invents mobile phone powered by Coca-Cola |

Developer invents mobile phone powered by Coca-Cola |
This sounds like a fairly unique solution but one wonders why Nokia dropped for future development because of sounding too futuristic?A better use for soda eco friendly...I am not sure ultimately given what is placed in coke etc.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bioplastics (PLA) | Worldcentric

Bioplastics (PLA) | Worldcentric
some things to be aware of in considering bioplastics and the degree of toxicity in compostability and breaking down in the environment.

Monday, December 21, 2009


A good idea.Practical and direct explanations of the projects in solar renewable energy for third world countries(perhaps the first world could catch on more?!)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

अच्फ़ ग्रीन होम्स update

Saving money and energy: an update on rebates from ACF GreenHome

In recent months the Federal Government has made some changes to the incentives it offers to householders who make environmentally friendly improvements to their homes. Here is the latest information on what you can claim back when you invest in energy- and water-saving measures.

Energy Efficient Homes Package
Builder Insulation

Part of the government's economic stimulus package, this scheme has three parts:
• Homeowner Insulation Program ¬- a $1600 rebate on ceiling insulation for owner-occupiers
• Solar Hot Water Rebate - a $1600 rebate on the installation of a solar hot water system
• Low Emission Assistance Plan for Renters - up to $1000 for landlords or tenants to install ceiling insulation in rental properties.

Both insulation rebates target homes with little or no ceiling insulation, and came into effect on 1 July 2009. Homeowners, landlords or tenants who installed insulation between 3 February 2009 and 30 June 2009 can also apply for a rebate, but this must be done within six months of installation.

The Solar Hot Water Rebate, in place since 3 February 2009, can be accessed by homeowners, landlords or tenants who replace an electric hot water system with a solar or heat-pump system.

Note that the insulation program and the solar hot water rebate are offered as alternatives for homeowners; you can't access both rebates for the same home.

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