Our Aim
The Australian Business Roundtable on Climate Change was formed to advance the understanding of business risks and opportunities associated with climate change and to help develop effective policy frameworks and market conditions for our low carbon future.
Why We Need To Act Now
Climate change poses serious threats to Australia’s economy. Uncertainty about future climate policy heightens the risks associated with investment.
The Roundtable's report shows that delaying action will increase the impact climate change has on the community and the likelihood of a disruptive shock to the Australian economy.
Our Research
The Roundtable commissioned CSIRO to determine climate impacts on Australia, and the Allen Consulting Group to model the economic effects of producing a 60% reduction on year 2000 emissions by 2050, for its report The Business Case for Early Action.
The Roundtable's report shows, for the first time, that it is possible for Australia to deliver significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions at an affordable cost, whilst maintaining strong economic growth.
Site by Hunter Online
Source: businessroundtable.com.au
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